Analyze what motivates Iago. How does he gain the trust of everyone around him,and why i he able to successfully deceive so many people ? Examine his motivations as they relate to other characters in the play. How do his relationships with those close to him influence his thoughts and actions? Support your position with short lines from the play. Remember to cite your reference. Write 4 pages essay in response to it . Essay have to have an introduction, body , and conclusion; it should have a clear single point to make( a thesis), and it should support and prove that point through examples drawn from Othello book.

Analyze what motivates Iago. How does he gain the trust of everyone around him,and why i he able to successfully deceive so many people ? Examine his motivations as they relate to other characters in the play. How do his relationships with those close to him influence his thoughts and actions? Support your position with short lines from the play. Remember to cite your reference.
Write 4 pages essay in response to it .
Essay have to have an introduction, body , and conclusion; it should have a clear  single point to make( a thesis), and it should support and prove that point through examples drawn from Othello book.


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