Anatomy homework help. May 4 Answer Sheet
Exercise 1:
- Parietal bone.
- Sphenoid bone.
- Temporal bone.
- Occipital bone.
- Lacrimal bone.
- Zygomatic bone.
- Nasal Bone.
- Lambdoidal suture.
Exercise 2:
- Superior border of the eye.
- Second Molar.
Palatal Index: Width/Length x 100=
Exercise 3:
Genus and species:
Supporting Bones and/or craniometric points:
Exercise 4:
Genus and species: Homo sepien.
Supporting Bones and/or craniometric points: Small orthognathic faces, small brow ridges, small font and back teeth and a small chin on the front of the mandible. The cranial shape was tall and rounded with a vertical forehead, and a large cranial capacity (averaging at least 1.350 cc),
Exercise 5:
1) People with darker skin colors demonstrate “Allen’s Rule” which recognizes that elongated shape has a larger surface area and when applied to limb proportions suggests that elongate limbs are well adapted to hot climates because of the greater surface area. Having an increased amount of surface area allows for greater venting of body heat.
2) Central Africa is home to people with darkest skin colors. Having darker skin provides greatest protection from ultraviolet radiation. Over generations populations who live in this area have adapted by producing more melanin. Melanin is a pigment which gives skin its brownish color. The more melanin, the darker the skin color, therefore, the more protection against the sun’s UV rays.
3) Hypoxia is a condition where you can’t take in enough oxygen required to meet the metabolic needs of your body.
4) Based on what I know about the evolution forces behind human variation is that those who had a mutation that helped them metabolize alcohol faster were naturally selected over those who could not metabolize it as fast. Since the East Asian population have a culture of consuming the fermented rice drinks, those who could metabolize it faster survived better (due to metabolic advantages) as compared to those who could not metabolize it fast but consumed the same amount of fermented drink.
Since the people with the mutation had better survival than the ones without the mutation, more offspring will be added to the population from the parents having the mutation. Thus, this mutated allele common in East Asian regions. Also, to talk about the relationship between rice cultivation and this mutated gene, it is evident that more the rice cultivation will be there, more people will consume the fermented drink that will be produced from rice. And only those having the mutation will have better survival due to metabolic advantages. So, we can say that higher rice cultivation will result in increase in the allele frequency of the mutated gene; the people with no mutation will eventually die or may not be able to reproduce due to adverse effects of alcohol and this will result in reduction of normal allele frequency.