Architecture and Design homework help

Architecture and Design homework help. Essay writing guidance: This is an academic essay and therefore tests both your awareness and understanding of the relevant literature and also requires you to relate your case study findings back to the theoretical debate. Suggested sections to include in your essay:
Essay writing guidance: This is an academic essay and therefore tests both your awareness and understanding of the relevant literature and also requires you to relate your case study findings back to the theoretical debate. Suggested sections to include in your essay:
1. Introduction: Explaining the purpose of this essay and what your main opinion/argument is in relation to the essay question.
2. Literature review: A review and critical discussion of the existing literature that is related to your essay question (e.g. what does the existing literature say about the social impact of mega projects and which ones do you agree or disagree with?). This section should form a substantial part of your essay and should provide a critical summary of what is already known about your essay topic as well as reiterate what your position in relation to this topic is.
3. Empirical case: This should form another substantial part of your essay and should make good use of one or more case studies to substantiate your own opinion/argument.
4. Conclusion: This section should firstly provide a short summary of your main empirical findings and your main argument and most importantly here you need to relate your empirical findings back to the literature. E.g.: Based on your own empirical findings, do you agree with the existing literature or are there some studies that you disagree with and why?
In your opinion, what are the key social impacts of mega urban projects and what are their causes? You may use specific case studies to illustrate your argument.

Architecture and Design homework help


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