Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. WEB PROJECT

BRIEF: Redevelop CDU IT CodeFair site


No matter how much time and effort goes into the production of any digital product, after it is made available, humans always find a way to use it much more differently than how it was planned in the design and development phase.
Has that been your experience? Think of your favourite website (not Google) or perhaps a site you use very often:

  • What do you love about the site?
  • What can be ……. frustrating, irritating to just really annoying?

Your project this semester is to redesign one of the active websites of CDU, IT Code fair. This website is heavily used by students, lecturers and industry professionals to get information about Code fair activities.
At the end of semester, you will need to demonstrate in a live demo how you have made this web product a better experience for its humans. The process will be as important as the product in this unit.


Completion of your project should demonstrate the following:

  • Technical expertise: standards-based code
  • Human-centred approach: understand and build for specific audiences
  • Web Standards: best practices for accessibility and usability
  • Content: demonstrate a usable information architecture & aspects of micro-content design
  • Originality: demonstrate a creative response to identified problems
  • Teamwork: demonstrate an ability to work collaboratively to achieve a project outcome
  • Communication: demonstrate how to professionally communicate project outcomes.


In scope:

Your final site should:

  • Include multiple pages (approximately 5 – 8 pages) developed using HTML5, CSS3 & unobtrusive JavaScript.

(Individual project site scope needs to be negotiated and approved by the lecturers)

  • Use a mobile-first approach and function across a range of devices and screen sizes (tablets, smartphones, desktops, laptops etc.)
  • Be accessible to all potential users in all contexts.
  • Provide a positive user experience
  • The site should be media rich following 21st century content trends including a range of file types: text, photos, graphics, animation & videos.
  • The completed and fully functional site should be uploaded to GitHub by the last Wednesday of semester (Week 12)
  • You must provide a publicly accessible link to your site as part of your submission


Out of scope:

  • Ongoing maintenance of the site is not included in the project

Link to existing materials
This site provides the overarching structure any site would require.

Computer Science homework help


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