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Week 5 Project – Due

Oct 25, 2020 11:59 PMMCJ6620 Special Topics in Homeland Security SU01

Week 5 Project: Collaborations for Homeland Security

The tasks related to securing the homeland and its critical infrastructure are shared among many organizations. Several universities participate in research projects in conjunction with the DHS. Additionally, other departments in the government have jurisdiction over certain elements of the critical infrastructure.

  • Describe two academic institutions helping to conduct research to protect the homeland.
  • Evaluate in detail one specific example of a research project conducted by each institution to protect the homeland. Be sure to explain the objectives of each project.
  • Analyze the outcomes, conclusions, and recommendations of each research project? Were these projects successful?
  • Identify opportunities for future research in the areas explored by these projects.
  • Select one governmental department other than the DHS or DOD, such as the Department of Energy or the Department of Agriculture. Discuss the department’s responsibilities concerning protection of critical infrastructure. Keep in mind that the term “critical infrastructure” refers to certain specific systems.

Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page.
Submit your responses in a 7–9-page Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Name your document SU_MCJ6620_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Week 5 ProjectWeek 5 Project Due October 25 at 11:59 PM


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