Criminal sentencing embraces a number of philosophies and seeks to satisfy sometimes conflicting goals: retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and restoration. The means to accomplish those tasks have traditionally been comprised of fines, probation, imprisonment, and death. To adapt to the financial, social, and international pressures, the criminal justice system has experimented with mandatory, indeterminate, and structured sentencing. However, each defendant-based alternative must be viewed with in the light of its impact on the victims and society at-large. select 2 scholarly articles from the criminal justice databases, and integrate those resources to discuss the practical implications of alternative and innovative sentencing options. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the viability of such new sentencing options.

Criminal sentencing embraces a number of philosophies and seeks to satisfy sometimes conflicting goals: retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and restoration. The means to accomplish those tasks have traditionally been comprised of fines, probation, imprisonment, and death. To adapt to the financial, social, and international pressures, the criminal justice system has experimented with mandatory, indeterminate, and structured sentencing. However, each defendant-based alternative must be viewed with in the light of its impact on the victims and society at-large.
select 2 scholarly articles from the criminal justice databases, and integrate those resources to discuss the practical implications of alternative and innovative sentencing options. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the viability of such new sentencing options.


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