Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help. QuestionPart 1 of 2 – 100.0/ 100.0 PointsQuestion 1 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is an advantage of the staffing approach that employs parent-country nationals as top managers?A. Maintenance of close control over subsidiariesB. Less-costly transfereesC. Facilitation of global multicultural teamsD. High effectiveness of expatriates in foreign countriesQuestion 2 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsFred Sanders, an American, works as a manager at his firm’s headquarters in New York. He recently learned that he has been assigned to manage the firm’s subsidiary office in Tokyo, and he will be relocating to Japan within the next six weeks. Which of the following staffing approaches is being employed in this scenario?A. PolycentricB. RegiocentricC. GlobalD. EthnocentricQuestion 3 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsTraining for host-country nationals during the export stage of globalization will most likely focus on:A. parent-country products.B. global conduct policies.C. product and service systems.D. production and service procedures.Question 4 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsThe concept of “keeping the expatriate whole” in terms of compensation most likely means ensuring that the expatriate’s:A. family is prepared for the overseas assignment.B. health insurance coverage is globally accepted.C. foreign and domestic taxes are paid in a timely manner.D. standard of living is at par with that of colleagues at home.Question 5 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following factors will hinder the integration of expatriate staff with local staff?A. Knowledge sharingB. Headquarters mentalityC. Overseas experienceD. Cultural flexibilityQuestion 6 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT a barrier for maintaining globalization momentum?A. Time and cost constraintsB. Conflicting host government requirementsC. The scarce availability of staffD. Having an international teamQuestion 7 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following terms is increasingly replacing the term “expatriate” due to the global staffing approach?A. RepatriateB. Global managerC. TranspatriateD. Line managerQuestion 8 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following methods is used by many firms to reduce the overall costs of expatriate assignments?A. Extending the expatriate’s tourB. Encouraging expatriates to visit their home country frequentlyC. Standardizing global compensationD. Implementing global benefits policiesQuestion 9 of 405.0/ 5.0 Points__________ is increasingly being recognized as a major determinant of success or failure in international business.A. International human resource managementB. Procurement of raw materials from abroadC. OutsourcingD. InsourcingQuestion 10 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsThe __________ is often used to equalize the standard of living between the host country and the home country, and to add some compensation for inconvenience or qualitative loss.A. localization approachB. balance sheet approachC. relocation strategyD. going-rate approachQuestion 11 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following most likely occurs when a manager is transferred to another part of the country where there are significant cultural differences?A. Subculture shockB. Culture shockC. ExpatriationD. RepatriationQuestion 12 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following can be termed as a benefit in the context of expatriate compensation?A. Relocation expensesB. Cost-of-living adjustmentsC. Health insuranceD. Private education for childrenQuestion 13 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsLocal managers are hired to fill key positions in their own country under the __________ staffing approach.A. globalB. polycentricC. ethnocentricD. xenocentricQuestion 14 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsThe goal of cross-cultural training is to ease the expatriate’s adjustment to the new environment by reducing:A. culture shock.B. power distance.C. social distance.D. cultural diversity.Question 15 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is true with regard to training and compensating host-country nationals?A. HCNs are rarely offered training in global business and Internet technology within their home corporations.B. The traditional lifetime employment and guaranteed tidy pension of the East are being increasingly adopted by the West.C. Many multinationals wish to train their employees to bridge the divide between the firm’s successful corporate culture and practices, and the local culture and work practices.D. In contemporary times, MNCs rarely have a global pay strategy in place.Question 16 of 405.0/ 5.0 Points__________ is the first stage in a comprehensive plan for developing expatriates.A. Assessing development and support needsB. Integration of the value added to the firmC. Development of a contractD. Problem recognitionQuestion 17 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsRelocation expense is an example of a(n):A. salary.B. tax.C. allowance.D. benefit.Question 18 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsRecruiting managers from Latin America for a position in Brazil is an example of __________ staffing approach.A. globalB. ethnocentricC. regiocentricD. polycentricQuestion 19 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is the final stage of the IHRM process that is used to maximize the effectiveness of expatriate assignments?A. Selection of expatriateB. Debriefing expatriate and family to improve IHRM processC. Development of contractD. Assessment of development and support needsQuestion 20 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is a factor that facilitates integration of expatriate staff with local staff? A. Withholding useful informationB. Having a headquarters mentalityC. Speaking the local languageD. Demonstrating autocratic behaviorPart 2 of 2 – 100.0/ 100.0 PointsQuestion 21 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsThe management of the reentry phase of the career cycle, if not handled adequately:A. can lead to culture shock.B. can lead to the negation of the long-term benefits of that executive’s international experience.C. is most likely to nullify the monetary benefits associated with the executive’s international experience.D. is most likely to decrease general apathy toward overseas assignments.Question 22 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following refers to a language- and communication-related issue that poses a challenge to many virtual global teams?A. Lack of face-to-face meetings to establish trust or for cross-interaction processes such as brainstormingB. Variable skill levels and willingness to interact through virtual mediaC. Lack of visibility of nonverbal cuesD. Variations in attitudes and expectations toward timeQuestion 23 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT an operational challenge for global virtual teams?A. Organizational objectivesB. Geographic dispersalC. Culture differencesD. TechnologyQuestion 24 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsAccording to a survey of Alcoa’s virtual team members, successful team leaders:A. have the ability to convey goals and resolve conflicts.B. are more likely to use autocratic power.C. are more likely to discourage innovation.D. have limited international experience.Question 25 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsA comparative study of European project groups in several countries by Sylvie Chevrie revealed three main strategies for dealing with the challenge of achieving cross-cultural collaboration in multinational horizontal projects. Which of the following is one of those strategies?A. Minimizing trial-and-error processesB. Drawing upon individual tolerance and self-controlC. Linking compensation to individual achievementD. Keeping disparate members isolated from the core organizational processesQuestion 26 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsLauryn, an American national, was sent to Japan on an assignment. According to her, it was during this time that she learned to understand situations from the viewpoint of local employees and business people. As an expatriate, which of the following skills did Lauryn attain?A. Multiple perspectivesB. Ability to work with othersC. Tolerance for ambiguityD. Technical skillsQuestion 27 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsOpportunities for indigenous female employees to move up the managerial ladder in a given culture depend on the:A. values and expectations regarding the role of women in that society.B. ability of women to perform in cross-cultural teams in that culture.C. success of male managers in integrating global teams in that culture.D. overall quality of life in that culture.Question 28 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsA repatriated manager says, “I learned to understand situations from the viewpoint of local employees and businesspeople when I worked overseas.” Which of the following acquired skills is the manager referring to in this instance?A. Technical skillsB. Multiple perspectivesC. Managerial skillsD. Tolerance for ambiguityQuestion 29 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is/are particularly important in joint ventures for the purposes of strategic planning, implementation, and production?A. Ethnocentric hiring strategyB. Dual-career couplesC. Multicultural teamsD. Rigid repatriation policiesQuestion 30 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsFor sharing resources and managing the transnational transfer of knowledge, it is essential for MNCs to maximize their human assets in the form of __________ management teams.A. virtualB. regionalC. nicheD. globalQuestion 31 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsThe reasons for the different opportunities for women among various countries can often be traced to the:A. inadequate education systems of the host countries.B. cultural expectations of the host countries.C. predominantly agricultural economies of the host countries.D. lack of adequate technology in the host countries.Question 32 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is the most likely reason for falling union membership in industrialized countries?A. A decrease in the proportion of white-collar and service workers as proportionate to manufacturing workersB. Rising proportion of temporary and part-time workersC. The declining popularity of unions among the older generationsD. A reduced number of firms offshoring white-collar jobsQuestion 33 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is true with regard to virtual teams?A. Advances in communication hinder virtual global teams.B. Virtual teams do not offer cost advantages.C. Cultural misunderstandings are fairly rare occurrences across virtual teams.D. The members of virtual teams interact through computer-mediated communication systems.Question 34 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is a constraint frequently placed on management by organized labor?A. Restrictions on the repatriation of capitalB. Limits on the firm’s ability to vary employment levels when necessaryC. Rigid requirements for bargaining with global unionsD. Restrictions on borrowing from private banksQuestion 35 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsThere are various categories of resources—both people and processes—which IHR managers and others must develop and maintain; in particular it is essential for them to:A. minimize long-term retention and use of international cadre.B. develop culturally homogeneous teams.C. develop effective global management teams.D. consider host-country labor relations system as essentially anarchic.Question 36 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is an advantage of a synergy?A. Minimized cross-cultural exchangesB. Exposure to different viewpointsC. Greater complexity in the workplaceD. Varying managerial stylesQuestion 37 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsOne of the main dimensions of the labor-management relationship that a manager must consider is:A. specific human resource policies in terms of recruitment, training, and compensation.B. the role of mentoring bodies in the relationship.C. advertising and promotional strategies.D. repatriation policies and procedures.Question 38 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsResearch on expatriate assignments continues to show that:A. the number of dual-career couples is steadily declining.B. linking rewards to team performance decreases the overall productivity of teams in the long run.C. females are disproportionately underrepresented in expatriate assignments.D. encouraging trial-and-error processes adversely affects cross-cultural collaboration.Question 39 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following must an international team avoid if it wants to achieve the individual and collective goals of the team members?A. Developing a global perspectiveB. Providing means to communicate corporate cultureC. Causing the global enterprise to disintegrateD. Disseminating the corporate cultureQuestion 40 of 405.0/ 5.0 PointsWhich of the following is one of the forces working toward convergence in labor systems?A. Successful repatriationB. Internal competitive forcesC. Decreased open tradeD. Political changes

Earth Sciences homework help


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