English homework help

English homework help. ENG 115
Due Week 7 and worth 100 points
For your next assignment, you will write a stance essay. A stance essay takes a position on a topic and argues and supports that
position with evidence. Consider your topic:
· What possible positions/arguments are there?
· What position resonates with you? (Which position do you believe is correct?)
· What are your main points?
· What are the counterpoints? Are you ready to dispute them?
· Do you have enough evidence to effectively support your argument?
For the stance essay, your personal voice (your perspective) should come through. This is just like assignment 1, except you should
maintain a formal tone.For this essay, you will need to support your points with credible sources. You’re ready to take a position on
the topic you have been writing about!
Important note: Stance Essays DO incorporate research exclusively from the WebText. DO NOT use outside sources. If you have
written a Stance Essay in a previous course, please reach out to your professor to see if you can re-use it. You are not permitted to
use ANY paper from an unrelated current or past course.
You are required to use your WebText to draft your essay in the templates!
Compose a three-four (3-4) page paper in which you do the following:
1. Use third person point of view (POV) and the appropriate voice and tone throughout your paper.
a. Did you use third person pronouns? (he, she, they, their)
b. Does your personality carry over in your writing? Are your word choices personal and consistent?
c. Is the tone formal? Does it express your attitude about the topic?
2. Write an introduction paragraph, which includes your thesis statement. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7
a. Does your introduction include solutions or approaches on the topic?
b. Does your thesis statement include three supporting reasons that clearly express your stance on thetopic?\
c. Is your thesis statement clear and concise?
d. Does your introduction provide a preview of the rest of your essay?
3. Write a supporting/body paragraph for each of the three (3) points/reasons from your thesis statement. It is suggested
that each paragraph contain at least 5-7 sentences.
a. Do your body paragraphs support each point of your thesis with relevant examples orstatistics?
b. Do you address the opinions or concerns that your audience might have?
c. Did you paraphrase, quote, or summarize properly to avoid plagiarism? Did you comment on each quotation? Do
you limit quotes to no more than 25 words.
4. Write with logic and with transitions throughout your paper?
a. Are your ideas consistent and well-organized, i.e., chronological order or order of importance?
b. Do your ideas flow from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to the next, in the order presented in your
thesis statement?
5. Write a conclusion paragraph. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences.
a. Did you paraphrase or restate the thesis in a new way?
b. Did you leave a lasting impression, so that your readers continue thinking about your topic after they have finished
6. Apply proper grammar, mechanics, punctuation and SWS formatting throughout your paper.
a. Did you check your grammar?
i. The way words are put together to make units of meaning: Sentence structure, pronoun-agreement,etc.
b. Did you check your essay for mechanics?
i. All the “technical” stuff in writing: Spelling, capitalization, use of numbers and other symbols, etc.
c. Did you check the punctuation?
i. The “symbols” used to help people read/process sentences the way you want them to be heardand
understood: Periods, question marks, commas, colons, etc.
d. Did you format according to SWS style? (See requirements below.)
Your assignment must follow these general SWS formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. It should also have
numbered pages, indented paragraphs, and a numbered Source List.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and
the date. Note: The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length of three-four (3-4) pages.
• In-text citations follow SWS style, using attributive tags and signal verbs.
• Did you cite at least three to four (3- 4) sources from the WebText ? Do your sources support your position?
• Have you used SWS in-text citations to document your sources? (Author’s last name, number indicating the order in which
you used the source in the paper.) For example, the first source in your paper would look like this: (Wielding, 1).
• Do you have a source list?
1. Did you number your sources?
2. Did you list the sources in the order in which you use them in the paper?
3. Did you include major identifying information for each reference?
4. Did you apply a consistent and SWS-style flow of information? (Author’s first and last name, Title of the source,
date it was published, comment on where you found it, and page numbers.) For example: Natalie Goldberg. 2016.
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within. p.100-126. ISBN-13: 978-1590307946
• Refer to the Soomo webtext or check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Point of
View (POV),
Voice, and
Weight: 10%
Did not use third
person POV at all in
the paper. Voice is
inconsistent and
lacks personality or
identity throughout
the paper. Tone is
not formal and
attitude is
throughout the
Uses third person POV in a
couple sentences of the
paper. Voice may be
inconsistent and lacks
personality or identity
throughout most of the
paper. Tone is mostly
informal and attitude is
mostly unrecognizable
throughout most of the
Uses third person POV
throughout some of the
paper. Voice is
somewhat consistent
and personality or
identity is somewhat
evident throughout the
paper. Tone is fairly
formal and attitude is
somewhat recognizable
throughout most of the
Uses third person POV
throughout most of the
paper. Voice is mostly
consistent and
personality or identity is
evident throughout most
of the paper. Tone is
adequately formal and
attitude is recognizable
throughout the paper.
Uses third person
POV throughout
the paper. Voice is
consistent and
personality or
identity is evident
throughout the
paper. Tone is
completely formal
and attitude is
easily recognizable
throughout the
and Thesis
Weight: 15%
Introduction does
not include
solutions or
approaches on the
topic. Thesis
statement does
not include 3
supporting reasons
that clearly
expresses stance
on the topic; it is
not clear, and/or it
is wordy. It does
not give a preview
of the rest of the
Introduction attempts to
offer solutions or
approaches on the topic.
Thesis statement may not
include 3 supporting
reasons and/or may not
clearly express stance on
the topic; it is not entirely
clear; and/or it is wordy. It
barely previews the rest of
the essay.
Introduction includes
partial solutions or
approaches on the topic.
Thesis statement includes
3 supporting reasons
and/or partially expresses
stance on topic; it is fairly
clear, and/or concise. It
somewhat previews the
rest of the essay.
Introduction includes
effective solutions or
approaches on the topic.
Thesis statement includes
3 supporting reasons
and/or effectively
expresses stance on topic;
and is sufficiently clear
and concise. It gives an
adequate preview of the
rest of the essay.
includes compelling
solutions or
approaches on the
topic. Thesis
statement includes
3 supporting
reasons and/or
fully expresses
stance on topic;
and is completely
clear and concise. It
gives a completely
effectual preview
of the rest of the
Weight: 20%
Did not write or
incompletely wrote
paragraphs for
each point from
the thesis
statement. Does
not consider
opinions or
concerns of the
audience. Does not
paraphrase and/or
comment on each
quote. 1 webtext
source are
Insufficiently wrote
supporting paragraphs for
each point from the thesis
statement. Insufficiently
consider opinions or
concerns of the audience.
Inadequately paraphrases
and/or comments on each
quote. 2 webtext sources
are present.
Partially wrote
supporting paragraphs
for each point from the
statement. Somewhat
considers opinions or
concerns of the
audience. Partially
paraphrases and/or
comments on each
quote. 2-3 webtext
sources are present
Satisfactorily wrote
supporting paragraphs
for each point from the
statement. Adequately
considers opinions or
concerns of the audience.
Satisfactorily paraphrases
and/or comments on each
quote. 3 webtext sources
are present.
Clearly wrote
paragraphs for
each point from
the thesis
statement. Fully
considers opinions
or concerns of the
and/or comments
on each quote. All
3 webtext sources
are present.
and Logic
Weight: 15%
Ideas are
and/or are not
presented in a
logical order.
Transition words
are not used
effectively to
Ideas may not be
consistent and/or are
inadequately presented in
a logical order. Transition
words are used
ineffectively to move from
one idea, paragraph,
and/or sentence to the
Ideas are fairly
consistent and/or are
partially presented in a
logical order. Transition
words are used
somewhat effectively to
move from one idea,
paragraph, and/or
Ideas are mostly
consistent and/or are
presented in a logical
order. Transition words
are used adequately to
move from idea,
paragraph, and/or
sentence to the next
Ideas are
consistent and/or
are clearly
presented in a
logical order.
Transition words
are used
move from one
idea, paragraph,
and/or sentence
to the next
throughout the
paper. Body
paragraphs are
not in the order
presented in the
next throughout most of
the paper. Body
paragraphs may not in the
order presented in the
thesis statement.
sentence to the next
throughout some of the
paper. Body paragraphs
are partially in the order
presented in the thesis
throughout most of the
paper. Body paragraphs
are mostly in the order
presented in thesis
effectively to
move from idea,
paragraph, and/or
sentence to the
next throughout
the paper. Body
paragraphs are in
the order
presented in thesis
Weight: 15%
Conclusion does
not paraphrase or
rephrase the
thesis in a new
way. It does not
leave a lasting
Conclusion attempts to
paraphrase or rephrase
the thesis in a new way. It
attempts to leave a lasting
Conclusion paraphrases
or rephrases some of the
thesis in a new way. It
sufficiently left a lasting
Conclusion adequately
paraphrases or rephrases
the thesis in a new way.
It was somewhat
effective in leaving a
lasting impression.
paraphrases or
rephrases the
thesis in a new
way. It left a
powerful lasting
6. Grammar, There are more There are 7-8 mechanics, There are 5-6 mechanics, There are 3-4 mechanics, There are 0-2
Mechanics, than 8 mechanics, grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and mechanics,
Punctuation, grammar, and punctuation errors. The punctuation errors. The punctuation errors. The grammar, and
and SWS punctuation paper is double-spaced; paper is double-spaced; paper is double-spaced; punctuation
Formatting errors. The paper font is correct; margins font is correct; margins font is correct; margins errors. The paper
Weight: 25% is not double- are one-inches on any are one-inches on any are one-inches on any is double-spaced;
spaced; font is sides, and, there is a cover sides, and, there is a sides, and, there is a font is correct;
incorrect; margins page. It only includes 1 of cover page. It includes 2 cover page. It includes 3 margins are oneare not one-inch the following of the following of the following inches on any
on all sides, and, elements: page numbers elements: page numbers elements: page numbers sides; and, there is
there may not be and indented paragraph. and indented and indented paragraphs. a cover page. It
a cover page. It All citations are missing or paragraphs. Body Body paragraphs include includes all of the
does not have have been used paragraphs include in- in-text citations, and following
page numbers and improperly in the essay text citations, and attributive tags and signal elements: page
indented and source list. attributive tags and verbs are mostly numbers and
paragraphs. Did signal verbs are effective. Webtext indented
not appropriately sufficiently used. Some sources are properly paragraphs. Body
use in-text WebText in-text cited with some errors. paragraphs include
citations citations are improperly Source list is mostly in-text citations,
throughout the placed, missing, or not correct. and attributive
body. No source developed. Most of the tags and signal
list. source list is correct. verbs are
effectively used.
Webtext sources
are properly cited
with few or no
errors. Source list
is correct.

English homework help


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