English homework help

 Choose two of the following questions and write a well developed, organized and grammatically sound answer that is at least two well-developed paragraphs long.
The theme of insanity was present in several stories studied this semester. Choose one author’s work and describe how this theme was an important factor in understanding the main idea of the story. (story to use the killing joker)
Throughout several stories the theme of love was present. Choose one author’s work and describe how this theme was an important factor in understanding the main idea of the story.  ( story to use: https://shortstoryamerica.com/pdf_classics/chekhov_lady_withthe_pet_dog.pdf )
Essay: Analyze a story in which a character experiences some sort of realization or revelation. How does the writer prepare us for the moment of enlightenment? What is the nature of the realization or revelation? How does it affect the character? (3 pages) reading to use: https://www.cusd200.org/cms/lib/IL01001538/Centricity/Domain/361/oates_going.pdf
Note:  Be sure to have a thesis for your essay, include specific examples (you must include at least three quotations from the text) and do not forget to proofread.
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