- First, based solely on your viewing of the documentary, answer this question – ’Who do you think bears most responsibility for this problem, and what do you think should be done to reduce the number of farmer suicides?’
Next, read the three articles linked to on the Sakai course site. One is a Guardian article, One is a response from Monsanto, one is an article in a magazine (Mother Jones). The three have different explanations for the farmer suicides. Refer in detail to the articles cited, using quotations if you are directly quoting material.
2. What does each of the articles identify as the main cause behind the rise in farmer suicides?
3. Which of these explanations do you find most convincing? Why?
4. Which of these explanations do you find least convincing? Why?
5. Having now read the readings, read the final one – India’s solution to this problem. Do you think this is a major step in the right direction? Is it enough?
6. Finally, I would like you to think of a core concept in the class textbook. In trying to think about globalization and complex global issues coming together in one place, what we put at the center of our focus is critical. Do we value the sustainability of the planet, of people or of the economy as the most important thing. In the case of cotton growing, especially genetically modified cotton grown in India, what do you feel is the most important thing to focus on, and the biggest challenge to overcome. Support your answer with a reference or two to strengthen your argument.