Home Political Science homework help. Create a 3 min testimony for a mock congressional testimony trial. For Testifiers, please position
yourself as a consumer/constituent, advocate or professional expert. Your political ideology is
as a neoliberal. Please type up the testimony.
3-Minutes Verbal Testimony
•The testimony should be to the actual congressional panel who oversee the public policy (e.g.
Dear Ways and Means Committee).
•The Actual Testimony Should be typed and submitted on Blackboard before 11:59 PM on the
date of the final exam. The written version should be no longer than 2-pages
Identify Your Name, City and State
•Thank the congressional panel for allowing you to testify before the ______________
Congressional Committee.
•Identify Your Role as a Congressional Testifier (i.e. Professional, Community Resident,
Consumer, Parent, etc.) and Why you are testifying today before the ____________
Congressional Committee
•Provide your 3-Minute testimony and be prepared to answer two questions presented to you by
the Congresspersons.
•Reintegrate your position
•At the conclusion, again thank the Congresspersons for the opportunity to testify regarding your
topic ( Immigration, Environmental Justice, Reproductive health or Gun Control)