- Write a 2-page essay paper that discusses the topic below.
- Your paper should be in APA format with viable sources to solidify your thoughts presented.
- Your references must not be more than 5 years old and no more than one entity source and no N.D source.
- Wikipedia is not considered a valid source.
- All references listed on the reference page must have a valid in text citation in the body of the paper.
- This essay must be consistent with graduate level work.
- You are strongly encouraged view the tips in the writing center to ensure your papers are properly formatted.
All free of plagiarism/ similarity. There will be serious consequences of zero percent (0%) awarded to such academic violation and the student will be reported to the institution. As a doctoral candidate I expect each of you to utilize every plagiarism checker tools available at your disposal to produce a written paper free and I mean 100% free of similarity/plagiarism free. I look forward to a well written paper. Again your paper must be written in a complete APA format short of that will be reduction of marks, so do not be caught unaware. There will be no second opportunity. Cite your sources using APA writing guide.