Management homework help

Management homework help. BBA211                                                    CROSS-CULTURAL BUSINESS ISSUES                                                   Task brief & rubrics
This is an individual task. Avoid any “copy-paste” practice to prevent possible problems of plagiarism. Write a business report considering the information below.
Imagine that you run a Business School and you are considering international expansion. Write a report that analyses this strategy.
This organisation is wishing to expand internationally and needs to determine and analyse factors that will favour (or not) expanding to this region. The organization is diverse in nature. Create a business report that includes the following 5 sections in which you answer what factors should be considered in the organisation’s decision about whether to carry out this international expansion or not.
Part a: Executive Summary (max 1 page)
Part b: Background
In this section you should provide an introduction that describes the layout of the report and the factors that will be addressed. You will need to:

  • briefly introduce the organisation you have chosen and present the organisation’s policy and strategy, vision and mission, ethical
  • In this section you should also choose a country or region that would be an option for the organisation to carry out its expansion in to and explain why you chose this country or region.

Part c: The country for expansion
Here in this section, for your country there will be a 3 to 4 pages report determining the issues the organization would face if it decided to locate/expand there. Reference should be made to organisation’s policy and strategy, vision and mission, ethics, human resources (HR) management, marketing management and finance issues relating to a choice to locate in this country.
Explain in this section the link between regional strategies and global influences and the meaning of Glocalization. Relate all this concepts to your concrete case. You should also address the social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal, ethical, and security issues that the organisation may face by choosing to locate in the country you have chosen to write about.You will need to provide credible and correctly referenced data in support of your arguments.
Part d: Discussion, conclusion and recommendations
In this section you need to make recommendations for whether the organisation should go ahead with the proposed expansion in to your chosen country or not. You should include a discussion of the attitudes which favour working multiculturally, strategies that create a competitive advantage for international expansion and the advantages of culturally diverse teams in this section.
Part e: Bibliography minimum six references must be provided using the Harvard referencing system.

  • Wordcount: …
  • Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
  • Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
  • Text alignment: Justified.
  • The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission deadline: Sunday, 24th of May 2020 at 23:59
Weight: This task is a 100% of your total grade for this subject.

Knowledge & understanding
Student demonstrates a systematic and thorough understanding of the theory delivered in class, applying relevant knowledge to the question. Student demonstrates good understanding of the theory delivered in class, applying some relevant knowledge to the question (some minor details might be missing) Student demonstrates some understanding of the theory delivered in class, applying some knowledge to the question (key details might be missing and there may be some irrelevance) Student demonstrates an insufficient understanding of the theory delivered in class. Key knowledge is not applied to the in question and information is of little or no relevance.
Critical evaluation
Student critically engages with theory and its application, considering alternative perspectives/ possibilities with authority.
Makes excellently sound judgements in the absence of complete data
Student makes a good attempt at critically engaging with theory and its application, considering alternative perspectives/ possibilities.
Makes good judgements in the absence of complete data
Student makes some attempt at critically engaging with theory and/or its application.
Makes some judgements in the absence of complete data
Student makes no attempt to critically engage with theory or application.
Fails to make judgements in the absence of complete data
Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely, making excellent use of visuals to support their message. Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely, making good use of visuals to support their message. Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. Visuals are used to support their message successfully at times. Student fails to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely. Visuals are poor and do not support the message.
Student synthesizes the content of their presentation with exceptional clarity and concision Student synthesizes the content of their presentation with some clarity and concision Student synthesizes the content of their presentation, although work lacks clarity and/or concision Student makes an insufficient attempt to synthesize, with a lack of clarity and concision.


Management homework help


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