Management homework help

Management homework help.  
Project 01: 450+ words – Discussion Essay 
by  05/20/2020 – 04.00 pm Wednesday
Textbook_02 – Essentials of Organizational Behavior (will be given)
Reflect on the readings of chapter 3 from textbook_01.
Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Elisa is upset with her supervisor because she was denied her requested vacation days, which were given to another worker. She is experiencing a very low level of job satisfaction, but cannot afford to quit her job. Describe three negative, passive responses that Elisa might take due to her dissatisfaction. Imagine that her manager actively catches her in a manifestation of workplace deviance. Predict the outcome of Elisa’s behavior.


  • It should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced).
  • So the textbook should be a main source and scholarly articles source can be added to support writings.
  • All source supported in writing should be cited to support writing APA Style, so I can provide that textbool and cited within the body of the text. Scholarly articles source are based on support to your writing

by  05/20/2020 – 04.00 pm Wednesday
450+ word, Please No Plagiarism, No Plagiarism, No Plagiarism!!!!
Project 02: 450+ words – Problem set -03 (Essay form)
by  05/22/2020 – 04.00 pm Friday
Textbook_02 – Essentials of Organizational Behavior (will be given)
Reflect on the readings of chapter 3 from textbook_02.
Respond to the following prompts and, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. You have been hired as the manager of a casual dining restaurant. After a few days on the job, you notice that one server, Graham, seems to be unhappy and his attitude might be spreading. Please articulate what plan of action you would take to address Graham’s attitude. What is the reasoning for your actions?


  • It should be at least 500+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced).
  • So the textbook should be a main source and scholarly articles source can be added to support writings.
  • All source supported in writing should be cited to support writing APA Style, so I can provide that textbool and cited within the body of the text. Scholarly articles source is based on support to your writing

by  05/22/2020 – 04.00 pm Wednesday
500+ word, Please No Plagiarism, No Plagiarism, No Plagiarism!!!!!

Management homework help


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