Management homework help

n 1-2 paragraphs, answer the following:
What question related to the topic in the news story you chose would you, assuming the role of a natural scientist, like to study?
What prior knowledge and assumptions about the science topic in your article did you have before viewing this news story? In other words, describe what you already knew about the topic.
When responding to this question, consider the list of questions you posed in your Project 1 graphic organizer. Select one question that interests you and that you would like to focus on as you continue your project work in the course.
To complete this assignment, review the Module Three Short Answer Guidelines and Rubricdocument

Review the news story that you chose to complete the topic exploration graphic organizer for Project 1 and complete the following:

  • Explain the article in your own words, providing a brief summary.
  • Why did you select this news story for scientific and personal study? In other words, what was it about the news story that interested you or made you curious?

When responding to your peers’ posts, consider the following: Is their reasoning clear? Does it make sense to you? Where might there similarly be room for interpretation in your own post, and how might you clarify? Your review of your peers’ posts will help inform your approach to your Project 2: Question Development Worksheet submission.
As you complete this assignment, note that your answers to these questions or closely related questions will be part of your Project 2: Question Development Worksheet submission, which is due at the end of Module Four. It is recommended that, in addition to entering the answers to the questions below, you save your answers in a Word document that you can refer to later when completing Project 2.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

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