Marketing homework help

Marketing homework help. Week 2 Assignment
After reading Chapters 3 and 4, answer the following questions:

  1. Various federal agencies impact marketing activities.  Research each agency below, discussthe elements of marketing that are impacted by that agency, and briefly present a recent marketing case or issue  on which each agency has focused (1 paragraph, 100 words per agency).

Federal Trade Commission (, Food and Drug Administration (, Consumer Product Safety Commission (

  1. Do you know Danica from the Philippines, Peter from London, Nargis from India, Marina from Russia, Chieko from Japan, or Miran from the United States?  These are some of the babies whose parents claimed they were the 7thbillion human born into the world.  The world population continues to grow, even though women are having fewer children than before.  Markets are made up of people, and to stay competitive, marketers must know where populations are located and where they are going.  The fertility rate in the United States is declining and the population is aging, creating opportunities as well as threats for marketers.  That is why tracking and predicting demographic trends are so important in marketing.  Marketers must plan to capitalize on opportunities and deal with the threats before it is too late. Develop a presentation on a specific demographic trend in the United States.  Explain the reasons behind this trend and discuss the implications for marketers (1 page maximum).
  2. Definethe marketing environment for Starbucks ( Keep in mind that a company’s marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. (2 pages maximum).
  3. Have you ever been disappointed because a television network cancelled one of your favorite television shows because of “low ratings”?  The network didn’t ask your opinion, did it?  It probably didn’t ask any of your friends, either.  That’s because estimates of television audience sizes are based on research done by The Nielsen Company, which uses a sample of only 9,000 households out of the more than 113 million households in the United States to determine national ratings for television programs.  That doesn’t seem like enough, does it?  As it turns out, statistically, it’s many more than enough. After reading this, go to 4.1. and 4.2. shown below.

4.1. Go to to determine the appropriate sample size for a population of 113 million households.  Assuming a confidence interval of 5, how large should the sample of households be if desiring a 95-percent confidence level?  How large for a 99-percent confidence level?  Briefly explain what is meant by confidence interval and confidence level.
4.2. What sample sizes are necessary at population sizes of 1 billion, 10,000, and 100 with a confidence interval of 5 and a 95-percent confidence level?  Explain the effect population size has on sample size.

  1. Go to, and select a report of your interest, then summarize it and craft your rationale based on: (1) What is the result that impacts you the most? (2) Elaborate 2 conclusions other than the ones the report offers at the beginning or at the end.

Expected outcome:
Written assignment in APA style, and written using your own words. Must present in a word document.
This assignment includes a plagiarism checker. Please, check carefully the originality of your submission. Cite external references to support your answers in both within the text and in the references part as mandated by APA style. The instructor will not accept more than 5% of similarity with external sources in the content of the document without being cited; otherwise, your work will be considered invalid. Do not include questions in the document to be ssubmitted, only answers. If you have any question, contact your instructor.
Due Date May 17, 2020 end of day.

Marketing homework help


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