Mental health assessment and intervention report Length: 2000 words ± 10% Weight: 60% Due date: See Due Date Below Assessment 1: relates to learning outcomes 1-5 HSNS510 1. demonstrate an indepth and coherent knowledge of the common mental health conditions across the life span and their nursing interventions; 2. demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to nursing practice and undertake a strengths-based mental health assessment using common mental health assessment tools within a recovery framework; 3. demonstrate the use of critical thinking and problem solving skills to plan and execute the delivery of behavioural, emotional and cognitive care across the lifespan and the safe administration of medications for common mental health disorders; 4. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for interprofessional mental health practice including evidence-based interventions; and 5. review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise evidence-based practice for the delivery of nursing care that is culturally competent and relevant to a range of health care and community settings. Task: This assignment requires you to watch the interview provided in the Case study video below titled "Psychiatric interviews for teaching: Mania” to complete a mental health assessment and intervention report. In your report ensure to: • Refer to the diagnostic criteria as listed in the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) to validate your decision that the client has a psychiatric disorder. • Support your report by providing evidence from the case study video. • Provide evidence that you have thought about the mental health nursing practice by examining your thinking about your decisions, observations and recommendations. Case study Source: (Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Mania) 1st video, man wearing yellow mixed color shirt. Guidelines for writing your report The report has three sections: • Part A is an assessment of the client's psychiatric history and family/social environment; • Part B is a mental state examination; • Part C is evidence-based interventions. Instructions You will need to view the case study video and during the video make notes on the items listed for Parts A, B, and C below: Part A: History Part B: Mental state examination Part C: Interventions Reason for referral History of presenting problem Past psychiatric/mental health history Medical history Family history Personal history Occupation history Forensic history Drug and alcohol history Current treatments Current functioning and supports Parental status and/or carer responsibilities Details of dependents Appearance Behaviour Affect Mood Speech Thought form Thought content Perception Cognition/intellectual functioning Insight and Judgement Risk assessment Formulation Provisional diagnoses Need for referral 1. Medical intervention (Clinical issue/Goal) 2. Psychosocial intervention (Clinical issue/Goal) 3. Nursing intervention: (Nursing diagnosis/Goals/intervention) Report presentation The Mental health assessment and intervention report should be well planned. For this assessment it is important for you to: • Outline your introduction clearly and end with a concise conclusion. • Make sure you justify your report by referring to what was said during the interview. • Write in complete sentences (i.e. do not use dot points). • Address the points in Part A as a single section using complete sentences without using sub-headings. • Use the points in Part B as sub-headings to structure Part B of your report. • Make sure each sentence only deals with one issue. Keep sentences short, professional and to the point. • In Part B the "formulation" section provides a summary of the information contained in the previous sub-sections. New information should not be placed in this section. If it is not in the body of a report it should not be in the formulation section. • Does the client need to be referred to a psychiatrist? Why? • Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is important to proof read your work before submission. • Writing style in a report is more formal than verbal speech. Try not to write as you would speak. • Use simple past tense to describe the patient's state at the time of the mental state examination. This emphasizes that the examination findings are specific to the time of conducting the interview. After you have completed Parts A and B you can start Part C. Part C requires you to research the mental health literature and recommend three evidence-based interventions to assist the client. • Discuss each intervention separately and use a sub-heading so that the reader/ marker know the intervention being discussed. • What is the goal of the intervention? • What is the clinical issue being addressed by each intervention? • Ensure the three interventions you select are consistent with evidence-based treatment guidelines. • Justify your decision by referring back to evidence-based literature. • Make sure you appropriately reference your work using in-text references to support any statement of fact. • Include a reference list on a separate page at the end of the report.

Mental health assessment and intervention report Length: 2000 words ± 10% Weight: 60% Due date: See Due Date Below Assessment 1: relates to learning outcomes 1-5 HSNS510 1. demonstrate an indepth and coherent knowledge of the common mental health conditions across the life span and their nursing interventions; 2. demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to nursing practice and undertake a strengths-based mental health assessment using common mental health assessment tools within a recovery framework; 3. demonstrate the use of critical thinking and problem solving skills to plan and execute the delivery of behavioural, emotional and cognitive care across the lifespan and the safe administration of medications for common mental health disorders; 4. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for interprofessional mental health practice including evidence-based interventions; and 5. review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise evidence-based practice for the delivery of nursing care that is culturally competent and relevant to a range of health care and community settings. Task: This assignment requires you to watch the interview provided in the Case study video below titled "Psychiatric interviews for teaching: Mania” to complete a mental health assessment and intervention report. In your report ensure to: • Refer to the diagnostic criteria as listed in the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) to validate your decision that the client has a psychiatric disorder. • Support your report by providing evidence from the case study video. • Provide evidence that you have thought about the mental health nursing practice by examining your thinking about your decisions, observations and recommendations. Case study Source: (Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Mania) 1st video, man wearing yellow mixed color shirt. Guidelines for writing your report The report has three sections: • Part A is an assessment of the client's psychiatric history and family/social environment; • Part B is a mental state examination; • Part C is evidence-based interventions. Instructions You will need to view the case study video and during the video make notes on the items listed for Parts A, B, and C below: Part A: History Part B: Mental state examination Part C: Interventions Reason for referral History of presenting problem Past psychiatric/mental health history Medical history Family history Personal history Occupation history Forensic history Drug and alcohol history Current treatments Current functioning and supports Parental status and/or carer responsibilities Details of dependents Appearance Behaviour Affect Mood Speech Thought form Thought content Perception Cognition/intellectual functioning Insight and Judgement Risk assessment Formulation Provisional diagnoses Need for referral 1. Medical intervention (Clinical issue/Goal) 2. Psychosocial intervention (Clinical issue/Goal) 3. Nursing intervention: (Nursing diagnosis/Goals/intervention) Report presentation The Mental health assessment and intervention report should be well planned. For this assessment it is important for you to: • Outline your introduction clearly and end with a concise conclusion. • Make sure you justify your report by referring to what was said during the interview. • Write in complete sentences (i.e. do not use dot points). • Address the points in Part A as a single section using complete sentences without using sub-headings. • Use the points in Part B as sub-headings to structure Part B of your report. • Make sure each sentence only deals with one issue. Keep sentences short, professional and to the point. • In Part B the "formulation" section provides a summary of the information contained in the previous sub-sections. New information should not be placed in this section. If it is not in the body of a report it should not be in the formulation section. • Does the client need to be referred to a psychiatrist? Why? • Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is important to proof read your work before submission. • Writing style in a report is more formal than verbal speech. Try not to write as you would speak. • Use simple past tense to describe the patient's state at the time of the mental state examination. This emphasizes that the examination findings are specific to the time of conducting the interview. After you have completed Parts A and B you can start Part C. Part C requires you to research the mental health literature and recommend three evidence-based interventions to assist the client. • Discuss each intervention separately and use a sub-heading so that the reader/ marker know the intervention being discussed. • What is the goal of the intervention? • What is the clinical issue being addressed by each intervention? • Ensure the three interventions you select are consistent with evidence-based treatment guidelines. • Justify your decision by referring back to evidence-based literature. • Make sure you appropriately reference your work using in-text references to support any statement of fact. • Include a reference list on a separate page at the end of the report.. Mental health assessment and intervention report
Length: 2000 words ± 10%
Weight: 60%
Due date: See Due Date Below
Assessment 1: relates to learning outcomes 1-5

  1. demonstrate an indepth and coherent knowledge of the common mental health conditions across the life span and their nursing interventions;
  2. demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to nursing practice and undertake a strengths-based mental health assessment using common mental health assessment tools within a recovery framework;
  3. demonstrate the use of critical thinking and problem solving skills to plan and execute the delivery of behavioural, emotional and cognitive care across the lifespan and the safe administration of medications for common mental health disorders;
  4. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for interprofessional mental health practice including evidence-based interventions; and
  5. review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise evidence-based practice for the delivery of nursing care that is culturally competent and relevant to a range of health care and community settings.

This assignment requires you to watch the interview provided in the Case study video below titled “Psychiatric interviews for teaching: Mania” to complete a mental health assessment and intervention report. In your report ensure to:

  • Refer to the diagnostic criteria as listed in the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) to validate your decision that the client has a psychiatric disorder.
  • Support your report by providing evidence from the case study video.
  • Provide evidence that you have thought about the mental health nursing practice by examining your thinking about your decisions, observations and recommendations.

Case study
(Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Mania)  1st video, man wearing yellow mixed color shirt.
Guidelines for writing your report
The report has three sections:

  • Part A is an assessment of the client’s psychiatric history and family/social environment;
  • Part B is a mental state examination;
  • Part C is evidence-based interventions.

You will need to view the case study video and during the video make notes on the items listed for Parts A, B, and C below:

Part A: History  Part B: Mental state examination Part C:   Interventions 
Reason for referral
History of presenting problem
Past psychiatric/mental health history
Medical history
Family history
Personal history
Occupation history
Forensic history
Drug and alcohol history
Current treatments
Current functioning and supports
Parental status and/or carer responsibilities
Details of dependents
Thought form
Thought content
Cognition/intellectual functioning
Insight and Judgement
Risk assessment
Provisional diagnoses
Need for referral

  1. Medical intervention

(Clinical issue/Goal)

  1. Psychosocial intervention

(Clinical issue/Goal)

  1. Nursing intervention:

(Nursing diagnosis/Goals/intervention)

Report presentation
The Mental health assessment and intervention report should be well planned.
For this assessment it is important for you to:

  • Outline your introduction clearly and end with a concise conclusion.
  • Make sure you justify your report by referring to what was said during the interview.
  • Write in complete sentences (i.e. do not use dot points).
  • Address the points in Part A as a single section using complete sentences without using sub-headings.
  • Use the points in Part B as sub-headings to structure Part B of your report.
  • Make sure each sentence only deals with one issue. Keep sentences short, professional and to the point.
  • In Part B the “formulation” section provides a summary of the information contained in the previous sub-sections. New information should not be placed in this section. If it is not in the body of a report it should not be in the formulation section.
  • Does the client need to be referred to a psychiatrist? Why?
  • Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is important to proof read your work before submission.
  • Writing style in a report is more formal than verbal speech. Try not to write as you would speak.
  • Use simple past tense to describe the patient’s state at the time of the mental state examination. This emphasizes that the examination findings are specific to the time of conducting the interview.

After you have completed Parts A and B you can start Part C.
Part C requires you to research the mental health literature and recommend three evidence-based interventions to assist the client.

  • Discuss each intervention separately and use a sub-heading so that the reader/ marker know the intervention being discussed.
  • What is the goal of the intervention?
  • What is the clinical issue being addressed by each intervention?
  • Ensure the three interventions you select are consistent with evidence-based treatment guidelines.
  • Justify your decision by referring back to evidence-based literature.
  • Make sure you appropriately reference your work using in-text references to support any statement of fact.
  • Include a reference list on a separate page at the end of the report.


Mental health assessment and intervention report Length: 2000 words ± 10% Weight: 60% Due date: See Due Date Below Assessment 1: relates to learning outcomes 1-5 HSNS510 1. demonstrate an indepth and coherent knowledge of the common mental health conditions across the life span and their nursing interventions; 2. demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to nursing practice and undertake a strengths-based mental health assessment using common mental health assessment tools within a recovery framework; 3. demonstrate the use of critical thinking and problem solving skills to plan and execute the delivery of behavioural, emotional and cognitive care across the lifespan and the safe administration of medications for common mental health disorders; 4. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for interprofessional mental health practice including evidence-based interventions; and 5. review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise evidence-based practice for the delivery of nursing care that is culturally competent and relevant to a range of health care and community settings. Task: This assignment requires you to watch the interview provided in the Case study video below titled "Psychiatric interviews for teaching: Mania” to complete a mental health assessment and intervention report. In your report ensure to: • Refer to the diagnostic criteria as listed in the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) to validate your decision that the client has a psychiatric disorder. • Support your report by providing evidence from the case study video. • Provide evidence that you have thought about the mental health nursing practice by examining your thinking about your decisions, observations and recommendations. Case study Source: (Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Mania) 1st video, man wearing yellow mixed color shirt. Guidelines for writing your report The report has three sections: • Part A is an assessment of the client's psychiatric history and family/social environment; • Part B is a mental state examination; • Part C is evidence-based interventions. Instructions You will need to view the case study video and during the video make notes on the items listed for Parts A, B, and C below: Part A: History Part B: Mental state examination Part C: Interventions Reason for referral History of presenting problem Past psychiatric/mental health history Medical history Family history Personal history Occupation history Forensic history Drug and alcohol history Current treatments Current functioning and supports Parental status and/or carer responsibilities Details of dependents Appearance Behaviour Affect Mood Speech Thought form Thought content Perception Cognition/intellectual functioning Insight and Judgement Risk assessment Formulation Provisional diagnoses Need for referral 1. Medical intervention (Clinical issue/Goal) 2. Psychosocial intervention (Clinical issue/Goal) 3. Nursing intervention: (Nursing diagnosis/Goals/intervention) Report presentation The Mental health assessment and intervention report should be well planned. For this assessment it is important for you to: • Outline your introduction clearly and end with a concise conclusion. • Make sure you justify your report by referring to what was said during the interview. • Write in complete sentences (i.e. do not use dot points). • Address the points in Part A as a single section using complete sentences without using sub-headings. • Use the points in Part B as sub-headings to structure Part B of your report. • Make sure each sentence only deals with one issue. Keep sentences short, professional and to the point. • In Part B the "formulation" section provides a summary of the information contained in the previous sub-sections. New information should not be placed in this section. If it is not in the body of a report it should not be in the formulation section. • Does the client need to be referred to a psychiatrist? Why? • Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is important to proof read your work before submission. • Writing style in a report is more formal than verbal speech. Try not to write as you would speak. • Use simple past tense to describe the patient's state at the time of the mental state examination. This emphasizes that the examination findings are specific to the time of conducting the interview. After you have completed Parts A and B you can start Part C. Part C requires you to research the mental health literature and recommend three evidence-based interventions to assist the client. • Discuss each intervention separately and use a sub-heading so that the reader/ marker know the intervention being discussed. • What is the goal of the intervention? • What is the clinical issue being addressed by each intervention? • Ensure the three interventions you select are consistent with evidence-based treatment guidelines. • Justify your decision by referring back to evidence-based literature. • Make sure you appropriately reference your work using in-text references to support any statement of fact. • Include a reference list on a separate page at the end of the report.


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