NOTE: 300 WORDS Carefully consider the following 2 questions in your thread: • Why do we engage in apologetics? • What is the audience of apologetics? In your thread, give a cohesive response to those 2 questions. Your thread must incorporate the following topics from your assigned reading: • A basic definition of apologetics • The biblical basis for apologetics • Internal and external apologetics Textbooks Chapters 1-3 1) Thinking About Christian Apologetics What It Is and Why We Do It. © 2011 by James K. Beilby Chapter 1-2 2) Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Douglas Groothuis. © 2011 by Douglas Groothuis.

Carefully consider the following 2 questions in your thread:
• Why do we engage in apologetics?
• What is the audience of apologetics?
In your thread, give a cohesive response to those 2 questions. Your thread must incorporate the following topics from your assigned reading:
• A basic definition of apologetics
• The biblical basis for apologetics
• Internal and external apologetics
Chapters 1-3
1) Thinking About Christian Apologetics
What It Is and Why We Do It.
© 2011 by James K. Beilby
Chapter 1-2
2) Christian Apologetics:
A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Douglas Groothuis.
© 2011 by Douglas Groothuis.


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