Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help. Task 1b.
Write a Literature review of contemporary issue:
Contemporary issue: What are the roles of an early childhood educator in supporting non-gendered play and how their perception of gender influence children’s play?
Word count,1800. Due date 16th May 2020 8pm (Sydney time). Value 35 %
Learning Outcomes:
• Engage with diverse learners in a range of educational contexts to develop skills and knowledge for flexible and adaptable participation in professional communities of practice.
• Demonstrate creativity, critical thinking and innovation when identifying and solving problems in diverse educational settings.
Task 1b. part 2: Value 35 marks
Using the research question to write a literature review relating to your chosen topic. The literature review MUST include discussion on how other contemporary scholarly authors ( NO WEBSITES) have discussed this issue and linked to your research question. Your literature review, must be relevant to your topic and include literature no OLDER than 10-15 years. [Seminal writers in their field are an exception, but MUST not be all you include]. The paper must be written using APA 7th referencing with correct spelling, & grammar
You are to include a minimum of 8 scholarly works for this section that add to your research. Student must include a reference list ( APA 7th Style) ( not included in word count) at the end of their paper.
For information on how to write a literature review please see following link :
Marking Criteria;
Task 1b. [ 35 marks]
• Introduction is included of the chosen topic and how the issue relates to children, families and early childhood communities in an Australian context (5 marks) ;
• Key areas of agreement, disagreement and tensions regarding the issue which critically analyses and engages with the literature under each heading (10 marks );
• How the major themes of the literature contribute to a body of knowledge of the topic in relation to current practice in early childhood communities (10 marks );
• A concluding summary which explains – based on your understanding of the literature – the significance of the chosen topic to children, families and early childhood communities in current times (5 marks)
• References to a wide range of literature using APA (7th ) style, appropriate in-text referencing and a list of sources. The written work should be coherently expressed and show a wide range of sources researched for this task, which includes scholarly literature (5 marks ).
RMIT Electronic Submission of work for assessment
I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration Links to an external site.
Task 1A. Literature reveiw (1)
Task 1A. Literature reveiw (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAn introduction of the chosen topic and how the issue relates to children, families and early childhood communities in an Australian context (10%); 5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeKey areas of agreement, disagreement and tensions regarding the issue which critically analyses and engages with the literature under each heading (10%); 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeHow the major themes of the literature contribute to a body of knowledge of the topic in relation to current practice in early childhood communities (10%); 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeA concluding summary which explains – based on your understanding of the literature – the significance of the chosen topic to children, families and early childhood communities in current times (5%) 5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeSub-headings which detail key trends, concepts and themes identified in the literature related to the topic and references to a wide range of literature using APA (7th edition) style, appropriate in-text referencing and a list of sources. The written work should be coherently expressed and show a wide range of sources researched for this task, which includes scholarly literature (5%). 5.0 pts
Total points: 35.0

Nursing homework help


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