Physiology homework help. PSYC 333 Final Case Study Assignment- OPTION 1
Spring 2020
The goals for this assignment are for you to
• integrate and apply research on different domains of development into a “whole child”
• analyze how the case illustrates various themes or principles in developmental science.
General Instructions
This is your major Unit 3 assignment, due on Wednesday May 13 by 11:59PM. Please review the rubric that summarizes our expectations on this assignment. Submit your assignment through the link under Unit 3 on our course Blackboard site, where it will be automatically scanned for plagiarism using SafeAssign, and then graded by your GTA. You are welcome (and encouraged) to discuss the assignment with your peers, but each of you much turn in a unique case and responses.
The Prompts/Questions
Respond to each prompt below in a single document that has your name and team # on it. Please use the question #s (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) to organize your answers. Please also complete the Final Reflection Exercise before submitting this assignment.
1) Case/Vignette (35 pts). The Case/Vignette describes a child and the child’s developmental conditions and issues and should present some issues that the child is facing, or a problem or question to be solved. Your vignette should follow the development of the same child you have been describing in your earlier case studies. The case can be ½ to 1 ½ pages. The case should:
A. Center on aspects of development covered in Unit 3
B. Develop connections to Units 1 and 2
C. Enable you to illustrate some of the major themes or principles of development in this class.
A. Center on aspects of your child’s development covered in Unit 3- you should address:
• Your child’s emotional development and/or temperament
• Parenting (attachment style, parenting style, or parenting socialization practices covered anywhere in Chapters 10 through 14)
• Interactions with peers (friendships, peer status, or peer group Ch 13, 14)
You might choose to write about your child’s peer relationships, including his or her friendships and peer status, and how they are related to their family dynamics and their emotion regulation capacities or temperament. Or focus on characteristics of the child’s emotional development and the ways those interact with family (parent) and peer relationships. Etc.. Or perhaps your child has grown up in poverty and you describe the ripple effects of that on the child’s personal and social development.
B. Develop some connections to Units 1 and 2, relating your child’s personal and social development to other aspects of his/her development (e.g., prenatal or infant development, intellectual, language or academic development). This could involve briefly repeating some information shared in an earlier case assignment. This will help you illustrate the theme that development is an integrated system.
For example, perhaps your child was born prematurely, and you could address how that, along with the child’s emotional development, affected the attachment relationship. Or perhaps your child has difficulty regulating emotion, and you could connect this back challenges they had in the classroom and their academic development. Etc…Lots of possibilities here
C. Make sure your case also illustrates at least two of these additional themes or principles of development because you will be asked about them later:
• Nature and nurture “interact” in development (not just that they both have a role, but show how they can influence each other and jointly contribute to children’s development)
• The sociocultural context influences development- the ways in which social interaction (which reflects culture) can be a driver/mechanism of development
• The active role of the child- how children shape or influence their own development
2) Parenting (20 pts). Use Unit 3 material to analyze the parenting the child in your vignette experienced and the likely impact on other outcomes for the child. What sort of attachment, parenting style, or parent socialization practices did the child experience? According to research, how would you expect their parenting to relate to other child outcomes? Support your points with research findings.
3) Emotional Development (20 pts). According to research, how might your child’s temperament characteristics or emotion regulation abilities have affected the type of parenting your child received? And how might the parenting have affected the child’s emotional development (temperament and/or emotion regulation abilities)? Support your points with research findings.
4) Peers and Research Interpretation/Application (20 pts). What is the role of peers in your child’s development depicted in the vignette (e.g., friend effects, peer status, peer conformity)? Use the results of the study described on the next page (by Adams, Santos, & Bukowski, 2011) to further analyze peer/friend influences on your child’s development. What do the Adams et al findings suggest in general, and how they apply to your case?
5) Developmental Theme/Principle Illustrations (20 pts). Pick two of the following themes or developmental principles. For each one, identify a specific developmental pattern(s) in your vignette that is consistent with the course material and illustrates that theme. Be sure to explain how your vignette illustrates each theme (10 points each):
• Development is an integrated system, “influenced by multiple aspects of the child and the environment.”
• Nature and nurture “interact” in development (not just that they both have a role, but show how they can influence each other and jointly contribute to children’s development).
• The active role of the child- how children shape or influence their own development (e.g., through eliciting responses from the environment, their interpretation of experience, and self-initiated activity and choice).
• Sociocultural influences- the ways in which social interaction, culture, or society can shape and drive development. As part of this one, address how your child’s current or future situation be different if the child’s developmental circumstances were different.
BEFORE YOU TURN THIS IN, COMPLETE THE FINAL REFLECTION EXERCISE! The goal is to help you make sure you are not forgetting anything.
Peer Research Example: Adams, Santos, and Bukowksi (2011)
Adams, Santos and Bukowski (2011) were interested in how the presence of a best friend might buffer children from the effects of negative experiences during their daily lives. They hypothesized that children would show less of a decline in their Global Self Worth and lower cortisol levels (cortisol is a physiological indicator of stress) if a best friend was present during negative experiences than when a best friend was not present. A sample of 103 5th and 6th grade children (half female) were assessed 5 times a day for 4 days. The children completed booklets on experiences that occurred 20 minutes previously. They reported on the negativity of each experience they reported, how they felt about themselves (Global Self Worth), and provided a saliva sample (for measurement of cortisol). The results are summarized in these figures. For negative experiences, Cortisol levels and Global self worth during were significantly different when a best friend was present compared to when a best friend was not present.
Final Case Study Grading Rubric
Assignment Dimension (corrected 5/12/20)
Dimension Section Proficient- Meets or exceeds expectations Approaching Proficiency- Partially Meets Expectations Novice/Limited– Below expectations (Absent =0)
P1. Vignette
35 pts
Content 30
Vignette is compelling. Accurately reflects the course material. Clearly illustrates the unit 3 content. Connects to unit 1 and 2. 23
Vignette is competent but could be clearer, more thorough, or better connected to the course material. Or does not connect to unit 1 or 2. 18
Vignette is present but some components are inconsistent with course material, or does not clearly address themes.
Writing Mechanics 5
Vignette is well-written. Grammatical errors and errors in sentence structure are minimal 3
A few grammatical errors or errors in sentence structure, or repetitious sentence structures 1
Frequent grammatical or sentence structure errors
P2. Parenting
20 pts Analysis 14
Discussion is thorough and accurately reflects the course material on parenting styles, behavior, and attachment 11
Discussion is thorough but minor unclear or inaccurate areas; or clear and accurate but incomplete 8
Discussion is vague or not clearly connected to course material on parenting, or missing key points
Research Support 6
Consistently and accurately refers to research to support analysis. 3
Some references to research to support analysis but some claims are not supported 0
Does not refer to research or empirical support.
P3. Emotional Develop-ment
20 pts Analysis 14
Accurate, thoughtful analysis of how child affected parents, and how parents affected child 11
Minor unclear or inaccurate areas; or clear and accurate but incomplete explanation 8
Discussion is vague or not clearly connected to course material, or missing key points
Research Support 6
Consistently and accurately refers to research to support analysis. 3
Some references to research to support analysis but some claims are not supported 0
Does not refer to research or empirical support.
P4. Peers and Research Applica-tion
20 pts Analysis 10
Accurate, thoughtful analysis and explanation of peer influences on the child 8
Minor unclear or inaccurate areas; or clear and accurate but incomplete explanation 6
Discussion is vague or not clearly connected to course material, or missing key points
Research Application 10
Reasonable interpretation of study findings and thoughtful application to case 8
Reasonable interpretation but not all points are addressed, or minor inaccuracies 6
Interpretation and/or application of study are not well justified or are minimal.
P5. Theme/ Develop-mental Principle Analysis
30 pts Theme 1 15
Clear, thorough, and accurate discussion of how vignette illustrates the theme 12
Discussion of how vignette illustrates theme is present but could be clearer or more accurate 9
Discussion is vague or not clearly connected to theme, or missing key points
Theme 2 15
Clear, thorough, and accurate discussion of how vignette illustrates the theme 12
Discussion of how vignette illustrates theme is present but could be clearer or more accurate 9
Discussion is vague or not clearly connected to theme, or missing key points