Part One: Recording Budget DataYou will be analyzing four trends in St Charles County Government budgets. In this case looking at the budgets for 2012—2016. Use the following link to access the budgets:
Part Two: Using Microsoft Excel and using graphing
After entering the data, highlight everything by starting above the 2012 (chances are that particular rectangle will not be highlighted). Now, click INSERT and go over to LINE and click it, you’ll see seven selections, choose the first one in the second row. ***MAKE SURE TO CUT AND PASTE YOUR GRAPH(S) INTO YOUR PAPER***
Please see attach documents
Part Two: Using Microsoft Excel and using graphing
After entering the data, highlight everything by starting above the 2012 (chances are that particular rectangle will not be highlighted). Now, click INSERT and go over to LINE and click it, you’ll see seven selections, choose the first one in the second row. ***MAKE SURE TO CUT AND PASTE YOUR GRAPH(S) INTO YOUR PAPER***
Please see attach documents