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Psychology homework help. JWI 540: Strategy
Assignment 2
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copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course
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JWI 540 – Assignment 2 (1186) Page 1 of 4
Assignment 2: How to Win: Strategic Options Assessment and Recommendation
Due Week 8, Sunday, midnight of your time zone (Weight: 25%)
“Strategy means making clear-cut choices about how to compete. You cannot be everything to
everybody, no matter what the size of your business or how deep its pockets.”
– Jack Welch –
Whew! You have generated some great insights about the Playing Field and Competitors and your own
Organization from the work you did in Assignment 1. Now you will transition from looking back to looking ahead
and develop the primary “How to Win” strategy that will be your game-winning move!
Your CEO has clarified that you need to think expansively and recommend a Move that is transformative rather
than incremental. To help with this, you have decided to consider each of the seven common winning moves
outlined in the Week 6 lecture, and intend to pick one of them as your preferred game winning move. This is an
exciting opportunity to actually create the plan instead of just execute the plan and thus you want to do your best
You know that your Game Winning Move will be a decisive choice for the company. But in choosing this Move
(as is the case with any strategic initiative), the company will risk money and resources. If your Move is the right
one, you will grow sales and profits and beat your competitors! If your Move is the wrong one, you risk
disappointing your investors and letting your competitors gain competitive advantage. Given the importance of
this Move, you want to evaluate each of the seven Moves and do a deep dive on the attractiveness and
feasibility and risks of your chosen Move.
Your CEO is expecting an executive brief in Week 8 that summarizes your analysis of the Move you feel offers
the most potential and your conclusion on the Game Winning Move that will you be presenting in Week 10.
Instructions for Assignment 2
Important note: We are striving to help you create game-winning moves, and not just evaluate other people’s
game winning moves. For this Assignment, do NOT recommend a Move that is identical or very similar to a
real-life example for your company. As an example, don’t recommend that Tesla/Apple/Google/Uber/etc. invest
in self-driving car technology or recommend that CVS acquire Aetna as those are all in the public domain.
Instead, recommend a Move that is novel and innovative for your company.
Prepare an executive brief for your CEO which provides the following information:
JWI 540: Strategy
Assignment 2
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 540 – Assignment 2 (1186) Page 2 of 4
1. Opening paragraph summarizing the purpose and content of this brief.
2. Consider the applicability and attractiveness of each of the 7 common winning moves (from the Week
Six lecture notes) for your organization and your competitive situation in your chosen Playing Field. List
your top three most attractive Moves in order from most attractive to least attractive.
3. For your most attractive Move, provide specifics about the Move you would recommend. For example, if
you chose acquisition, who might you buy? If you chose geographic expansion, where would you
expand? If you chose discontinuous innovation, what would the innovation be? Explain why you think
it will generate financially attractive growth (which includes both incremental revenue growth and
commensurate incremental profit growth).
4. How does this Move align (or conflict) with your key strength/weakness identified in your Playing Field
5. Most Moves require investments of resources and money. What are some significant investments that
would be required to implement this move? Note, we are not looking for dollar figures; instead, we are
looking for the key categories of investments (like hiring people, investing in new capabilities, or building
new manufacturing plants, etc.)
6. Most Moves have risks that need to be considered. What are the most significant risks and what is your
recommended risk mitigation plan?
7. How do you think the competition will react to your Move?
8. Conclude with a final paragraph or two which includes a summary of your Game Winning Move and
conclusions on the above topics.
Formatting and Submission Requirements
• The executive brief submission should be 2 to 3 pages (not including the cover page or
appendixes/references page.
• Typed, single-spaced, professional font (size 10 – 12) with one-inch margins on all sides.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, professor’s name, and the course
title and date.
• Include a references page at the end documenting sources and citations used. You must cite three or
more current media sources.
• Use headings to identify main topics and subtopics.
• You are welcome to include charts, tables, and graphs in-text or in an appendix.
• Develop and support your research with facts and in-text citations, appendixes, and references.
JWI 540: Strategy
Assignment 2
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 540 – Assignment 2 (1186) Page 3 of 4
RUBRIC Assignment 2
Criteria Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
1. Recommend a
specific Game
Winning Move.
Weight: 30%
The student does not
provide a Move
ranking and/or
describes their
recommended Move
and how it might
generate financially
attractive growth for
the company.
The student
partially describes
their recommended
Move, but does not
include a Move
ranking. The
student only
partially describes
how the Move might
generate financially
attractive growth for
the company.
The student rank
orders 3 Moves and
describes their
Move and
describes how the
Move might
generate financially
attractive growth for
the company. The
Move might or
might not be
reasonably logical
or reasonably
feasible, but must
derive from the 7
common Moves.
The student rank
orders 3 Moves and
describes their
recommended Move
with sufficient
specificity to provide
a clear
understanding of the
Move. Student also
describes how the
Move might
generate financially
attractive growth for
the company. The
Move must be
reasonably logical
and reasonably
feasible and derive
from the 7 common
The student rank
orders 3 Moves and
describes their
recommended Move
with sufficient
specificity to provide
a clear and
understanding of the
Move. Student also
describes how the
Move might
generate financially
attractive growth for
the company. The
Move must be
reasonably logical
and reasonably
feasible and derive
from the 7 common
2. Alignment and
Weight: 20%
The student does not
include or
describes how the
Move relates to their
and significant
investments that
might be required.
The student
partially describes
how the Move
relates to their
company’s strength
and weakness. The
student partially
investments that
might be required.
The student
describes how the
Move relates to
their company’s
strength and
weakness. The
describes some
investments that
might be required.
The student clearly
and concisely
describes how the
Move relates to their
company’s strength
and weakness. The
demonstrates sound
logic and reasoning
on some of the
investments that
might be required.
The student clearly
and concisely
describes how the
Move relates to their
company’s strength
and weakness. The
exemplary logic and
reasoning and
foresight on the
most significant
investments that
might be required.
JWI 540: Strategy
Assignment 2
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 540 – Assignment 2 (1186) Page 4 of 4
Criteria Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
3. Risks and
Weight: 20%
Student does not
include or
demonstrates risk
mitigation. Student
Student partially
anticipation of the
risks of the Move
and partially
provides risk
mitigation plans.
predictions partially
address the likely
Student demonstrates
anticipation of the
risks of the Move and
provides satisfactory
risk mitigation plans.
Student’s competitive
response predictions
are not unreasonable.
demonstrates good
anticipation of the
most significant risks
of the Move and
provides sound risk
mitigation plans.
Student’s competitive
response predictions
demonstrate sound
logic and reasoning.
anticipation of the
most significant
risks of the Move
and provides cogent
and novel risk
mitigation plans.
exemplary logic and
4. Provide an
effective and
conclusion that is “fit
for use” for a CEO.
Weight: 15%
The conclusion is
missing or presents
an unsatisfactory
summary of the
Move, risks, and
The conclusion
partially summarizes
the Move and
partially addresses
other factors like
risks and
The conclusion is a
satisfactory synopsis
of the key elements of
the Move. Conclusion
satisfactorily asserts
the recommended
move, while
providing some
perspective on risks
and/or investments.
The conclusion is a
complete and
succinct synopsis of
the Move.
persuasively asserts
the recommended
move, while
providing reasonable
fair-balance on
investments and
The conclusion is an
exemplary and
succinct synopsis of
the Move.
persuasively asserts
the recommended
move, while
reasonable fairbalance on
investments and
risks. Excised from
the brief, the
paragraphs could
effectively be used
as the elevator pitch
for the Move.
5. Present
professionally within
the three-page limit,
and support
assertions, and facts
with in-text citations,
appendixes, and
Weight: 15%
Brief is missing
significant content and
unprofessional in
appearance or due to
multiple mechanics
and usage errors.
assertions, and facts
are not supported with
in-text citations,
appendixes, and
Brief is partially
well-written and
semi-professional in
Several mechanics
and usage errors
make parts of the
text difficult for the
reader to
understand. Some
assertions, and
facts are supported
with in-text
appendixes, and
Brief is satisfactorily
well-written and
professional in
appearance. There
may be a few
mechanics and
usage errors, but
they do not have a
major impact on the
flow. Many
assertions, and
facts are supported
with in-text
appendixes, and
Brief is succinct and
well-written and
within the threepage limit (excluding
cover, references,
and appendices) and
professional in
appearance. It
includes a cover
page. Mechanics
and usage errors, if
any, are minor and
have no impact on
the flow. Most
assertions, and facts
are supported with
in-text citations,
appendixes, and
Brief is succinct and
well-written and
within the threepage limit (excluding
cover, references,
and appendices)
and very
professional in
appearance. It
includes a cover
page. There are no
mechanics or usage
errors. All
assertions, and facts
are exemplarily
supported with intext citations,
appendixes, and

Psychology homework help


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