Psychology homework help

For Week 3 you conducted a literature review on a set of topics. For this assignment you will utilize that information and what you learned from this course on a research paper regarding older adults.
For this week you will write your paper. The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The length of the paper should be 12–14 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages).
  • For the main sections it should have a:
    • Title page
    • Introduction
    • Literature review
    • Conclusion
    • Reference page(s)
  • The paper must use proper APA style for citing sources and references.
  • Introduction: This should be 1–2 pages in length. The introduction provides a brief overview of what will be covered and the purpose of the research paper.
  • Literature review: The literature review is taken in part from what you had written in Week 3.
  • Discussion and conclusions: The difference between a great research paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusion section. This is where you bring together what you learned from the literature review (as well as through the course) in your concluding remarks regarding your topic. The discussion and conclusion section should be 1–2 pages in length.
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