Question 1) Review the strategic integration section. (Posting this section as attachment refer that PDF to answer below two questions) Question 1a) What strategic integration is? Question 1b) How it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization. Question 2) Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section (Posting this section as attachment refer that PDF to answer below question) Question 2a ) How IT is divided based on operations Question 2b) why this is important to understand within an organization. The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each question) and adhere to APA formatting standards. **Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references** attachment strategicintegrationsection.pdf attachment informationtechnologyrolesandresponsibilitiessection.pdf

Question 1) Review the strategic integration section. (Posting this section as attachment refer that PDF to answer below two questions)
 Question 1a) What strategic integration is?
 Question 1b) How it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization.
Question 2) Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section (Posting this section as attachment refer that PDF to answer below question)
 Question 2a ) How IT is divided based on operations 
 Question 2b) why this is important to understand within an organization.
The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each question) and adhere to APA formatting standards.
**Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references**
  • attachment

  • attachment



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