Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. COURSE CODE BCO 223  Social Media Marketing Final Task brief & rubrics
Task: Prepare and Present a Social Media Marketing Plan
You should imagine that you are working for a small or medium size company that chooses to develop a social media strategy – it can either be a social media strategy plan or a social media campaign plan. Assume that you are presenting your plan to the main stakeholders of the company for their approval.  A key element of the assignment is how realistic you are in your proposal.
The assignment must be done in pairs.
At the very least, your plan should include:

  • What the company does and its market.
  • What you want to achieve with the social media campaign and why.
  • The plan of action, the steps you will take, estimated time spans etc.
  • Key messages to transmit (if appropriate).
  • Key metrics by which you will measure success or failure.
  • An indication of the resources you need to dedicate to it. This does not necessarily have to be financial, but could be expressed in terms of person-hours etc.

In general, you can assume variables that are not given – but within the realms of realism! If in doubt, ask your teacher for guidance. For example, there is no specific budget set for this task, therefore you should set your own. If your company is a small, recently created enterprise, it is unrealistic for it to have a six-figure sum to spend on social media.
The deliverables for this project are two:
A presentation, worth 25% of your course grade, to be delivered in the final session of the course.
A strategy plan document, worth 35% of your course grade, to be submitted on Turnitin by 5th May, 2020. The length of the document must not exceed 2500 words, excluding references and appendices.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand social media marketing within the context of marketing strategy and IMC
  • Design the social media marketing plan and apply it to reach specific social media objectives
  • Analyse the social community and application of brand strategies

Plan Rubrics

Marginal Fail
Demonstrates exceptional coherence of ideas for knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of social media marketing, plan is realistic. Demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of key concepts of social media marketing at a good level. The presentation demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge and understanding of concepts at this basic level but there is little evidence of research Demonstrates poor knowledge and lack of understanding of the key concepts of social media marketing. There is no evidence of credible wider research Demonstrates extremely poor knowledge and lack of understanding of the key concepts in social media marketing. There is no evidence of credible wider research
Plan coherence
The plan has been very well researched and prepared, is very realistic and could form the basis of a social media marketing plan. The plan has been well prepared, is quite realistic, but would need minor amendments and/or additions in order to form the basis of a social media marketing plan. The plan has been quite well prepared, but it would improve with further clarification prior to its execution. Most of the assumptions are realistic, but some are unreasonable. The plan is insufficient. Either it would require further clarification before execution, or it is unrealistic, either in scope or outcome. The plan is inadequate. Either it would require further clarification before execution, or it is unrealistic, either in scope or outcome.
Work shows an appropriate and relevant attempt to place knowledge in the context of social media marketing. The presentation shows some attempt to place knowledge in the context of social media marketing. There is some attempt to place knowledge in the context of social media marketing. There is almost no attempt to place knowledge in the context of social media marketing. There is no  attempt to place knowledge in the context of social media marketing.
Provides a very clear plan, using conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with a very high degree of effectiveness. Provides a clear plan, using conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with considerable effectiveness. Provides a somewhat clear plan, using conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with some effectiveness. Plan is somewhat unclear. There is a lack of use of conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline. Answer is unclear. Lack of use of conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline.

Presentation Rubrics

Marginal Fail
There is very good evidence of a well-structured plan, the key elements are very clearly defined, the work is outstanding. The plan is clearly structured, including all the necessary elements to implement the social media strategy. The plan is structured, but there are gaps that would make its implementation difficult. The plan is missing key elements that make its implementation impossible. There is limited evidence of ideas and concepts in social media marketing The plan is clearly deficient  and unrealistic. The student has failed to understand the nature of the assignment.
Work shows an outstanding attempt to cover all areas of the marketing plan, and place knowledge of social media marketing in its business context. Work shows a good attempt to cover all areas of the marketing plan, and place knowledge of social media marketing in its business context. There is some attempt to place knowledge within the applied context but some of it is mis-applied or is not relevant. The plan would require modification prior to implementation. The plan has serious deficiencies that impede its implementation. There is almost no attempt to place knowledge of social media marketing within applied contexts. The plan is totally unrealistic and/or unworkable. There is no attempt to place knowledge of social media marketing into its applied context.
Communication Skills
No errors in the slides and visually appealing.
Presenter demonstrates an excellent understanding of the project and subject matter; answers questions accurately; quality of information is excellent. The presentation is done within the time limit.
Very few errors in the slides. Presenter demonstrates a clear understanding of the project and subject matter; answers questions accurately; depth and quality of information enhances the presentation. Some errors in the slides. Presenter demonstrates a weak understanding of the task and subject matter; answers questions poorly; depth and quality of information is weak. Many errors in the slides. Some overuse or inappropriate use of color or animations.
Presenter demonstrates a basic understanding of the project and subject matter; Presenter can answer basic questions about the topic.
No visual appeal.
Presenter does not appear to understand the topic; presenter cannot answer questions about their project. Inappropriate language.


Statistics homework help


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