Watch the KCET documentary City Rising: watch the video and answer these questions. Minimum 7 sentences per question. 1) Discuss one concrete example from the film that shows how the history of redlining still shapes the housing crisis in California today, specifically for people of color. 2) Discuss Kevin Johnson's redevelopment projects in Sacramento in terms of Logan and Molotch's growth machine thesis. 3) How did the segment on the Oakland protestors (blocking the bridge, delaying a city hall vote) shed light on the government's role in the gentrification process?

  Watch the KCET documentary City Rising:
watch the video and answer these questions. Minimum 7 sentences per question.
1) Discuss one concrete example from the film that shows how the history of redlining still shapes the housing crisis in California today, specifically for people of color.
2) Discuss Kevin Johnson’s redevelopment projects in Sacramento in terms of Logan and Molotch’s growth machine thesis.
3) How did the segment on the Oakland protestors (blocking the bridge, delaying a city hall vote) shed light on the government’s role in the gentrification process?


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