Write 300 words on the topic and respond to two articles with 150 words each 1) Write 300 words with 3 peer reviewed references in APA format Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes? 2) Respond to 1st article with 150 words The term globalization means that how various types of companies and business has made the entire world to stay connected with the help of technology which they have introduces and still are introducing. As the increase in technology can help other organizations and businesses to grow more and more. And because in the increase and growth in the technology the organization has taken few steps towards their progress and also they are trying to increase their performance because they are trying to stay in the competition and also in the business. After all, if they are unable to stand firm in the business then it can make the organization face much loss, and also they will have to surrender. As the HR of the organization has the responsibility to get a properly educated and highly active employee for the organization because if the organization has to stay in the competition and if they have to keep their performance quite on a higher level, then they must try to get such employee which can help the organization to build the bridge towards success (Grau, 2008). For such the HR should try to get such employees who can work with the organization according to the different levels of globalization so that it can help the organization to survive in the business and also they can manage to take their organization on another level. only such types of organization can survive in the business world who has new types of technology and which can attract more customer and attracting customer by the product is the function which is carried by the employees of the company. once they can work according to the trend then it would be very easy for them to get the task completed and earn the profit for which they are working so hard (Bruno, 2003). 3) Respond to 2nd article with 150 words Discussion 2 Global diversity has brought many changes in organizations. Globalization means that companies have to spread their reach into new countries by setting up operation bases or by adopting a strategy that enables them to compete in the global market. The global operation has had an effect on the jobs in an organization. For instance, there is increased diversity in the workplace (Rowntree, Lewis, Price & Wyckoff, 2015). Organizations are setting up an operation in countries with diverse cultures compared to the home country. The people in such countries get absorbed into the organization as a way of gaining insight into the market. Also, globalization has affected the wages of workers in the united states of America because of the high standards of living, which means a high wage rate for these workers. Companies have moved their focus to countries with low cost of living, which ensures a reduced cost of operation and production. The workplace standards have been improved, which increases the safety of employees and their level of productivity. Organizations are making efforts to meet the international standard for the production of goods and services, which increases their level of competitiveness. Finally, there has been a significant increase in the diversity training of employees as the workplaces have become more diverse (Dowd & Janssen, 2011). The human resource department has been affected by changes brought about by globalization. The HR department has to ensure diversity in the workforce of an organization. To this extent, the human resource department has to ensure that workers from different religions, cultures, countries, gender, race, or any other diverse factor are incorporated into their organization (Dowd & Janssen, 2011). With diversity comes discrimination as some employees use their positions to discriminate against those, they deem different. The roles of human resources have shifted to include conducting proper diversity training for its employees. Also, they have to change the work policy in the organization to consider diversity (Nivlouei, 2014). References Rowntree, L., Lewis, M., Price, M., & Wyckoff, W. (2015). Diversity amid globalization. Pearson Education UK. Dowd, T. J., & Janssen, S. (2011). Globalization and diversity in cultural fields: Comparative perspectives on television, music, and literature.

Write 300 words on the topic and respond to two articles with 150 words each


1)    Write 300 words with 3 peer reviewed references in APA format

Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes?

2)   Respond to 1st  article with 150 words

The term globalization means that how various types of companies and business has made the entire world to stay connected with the help of technology which they have introduces and still are introducing. As the increase in technology can help other organizations and businesses to grow more and more. And because in the increase and growth in the technology the organization has taken few steps towards their progress and also they are trying to increase their performance because they are trying to stay in the competition and also in the business. After all, if they are unable to stand firm in the business then it can make the organization face much loss, and also they will have to surrender. As the HR of the organization has the responsibility to get a properly educated and highly active employee for the organization because if the organization has to stay in the competition and if they have to keep their performance quite on a higher level, then they must try to get such employee which can help the organization to build the bridge towards success (Grau, 2008).
For such the HR should try to get such employees who can work with the organization according to the different levels of globalization so that it can help the organization to survive in the business and also they can manage to take their organization on another level. only such types of organization can survive in the business world who has new types of technology and which can attract more customer and attracting customer by the product is the function which is carried by the employees of the company. once they can work according to the trend then it would be very easy for them to get the task completed and earn the profit for which they are working so hard (Bruno, 2003).

3)   Respond to 2nd   article with 150 words

Discussion 2
Global diversity has brought many changes in organizations. Globalization means that companies have to spread their reach into new countries by setting up operation bases or by adopting a strategy that enables them to compete in the global market. The global operation has had an effect on the jobs in an organization. For instance, there is increased diversity in the workplace (Rowntree, Lewis, Price & Wyckoff, 2015). Organizations are setting up an operation in countries with diverse cultures compared to the home country. The people in such countries get absorbed into the organization as a way of gaining insight into the market.
Also, globalization has affected the wages of workers in the united states of America because of the high standards of living, which means a high wage rate for these workers. Companies have moved their focus to countries with low cost of living, which ensures a reduced cost of operation and production. The workplace standards have been improved, which increases the safety of employees and their level of productivity. Organizations are making efforts to meet the international standard for the production of goods and services, which increases their level of competitiveness. Finally, there has been a significant increase in the diversity training of employees as the workplaces have become more diverse (Dowd & Janssen, 2011).
The human resource department has been affected by changes brought about by globalization. The HR department has to ensure diversity in the workforce of an organization. To this extent, the human resource department has to ensure that workers from different religions, cultures, countries, gender, race, or any other diverse factor are incorporated into their organization (Dowd & Janssen, 2011). With diversity comes discrimination as some employees use their positions to discriminate against those, they deem different. The roles of human resources have shifted to include conducting proper diversity training for its employees. Also, they have to change the work policy in the organization to consider diversity (Nivlouei, 2014).
Rowntree, L., Lewis, M., Price, M., & Wyckoff, W. (2015). Diversity amid globalization. Pearson Education UK.
Dowd, T. J., & Janssen, S. (2011). Globalization and diversity in cultural fields: Comparative perspectives on television, music, and literature.


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